Pune Bonsai Master
Mangala Rao Nilangekar
Are you looking for a pune bonsai expert who can guide you through the difficult yet satiating path of tropical bonsai?
If yes, your search ends here. I have had the privilege of interacting with Ms Mangala Rao, who happens to have rich bonsai experience of 25+ years and is still going strong with her desire to learn and spread the art of bonsai.
Recently I met her at the Hyderabad Bonsai Show and need I say I was impressed with the calm demeanour covering that vast ocean of bonsai experience and expertise. She is as soft spoken and dextrous in her approach towards bonsai plants. May be this hobby (passion to be precise) has had its impact on the personality you see when you meet her.
Up Close with Mangala Rao

An ardent nature lover, Mangala started off with bonsai hobby some two and a half decades back (as of this writing). Her dedication to learning the art and spreading it has taken her to the esteemed presence of renowned bonsai masters like John Naka (USA), Kaju Kudo (Japan), Peter Chan (UK), Budy Sulistyo (Indonesia), Robert Stevan (Indonesia), Ponsevic (Philippines) among others.
She has been teaching bonsai to beginners and intermediate artists for quite some time now and many of her students have carved a name for themselves in the world of bonsai. Currently she is active in the pune bonsai circle.
Her exploits in the art of bonsai have been recognized by various prestigious institutions and individuals. She has been associated with the following in various capacities
- Friends Bonsai Society (as President)
- Asa Bhanu Japan Center (Executive Member)
- Agri Horticulture Society, Hyderabad (Visiting instructor)
- Ohara School of Ikebana, Japan (Instructor)
Accolades for Mangala
Now with the amount of time she has spent pursuing bonsai and bringing it to the masses, it’s no wonder that she has an impressive list of accolades and recognition.
Here’s a partial list of some
- Rolling Trophy of Ikebana, India 1985
- Citation by World Bonsai federation, Japan
- South East Asia Contest
- Winner for five consecutive years of the WBFF world bonsai photo contest
Life Beyond Bonsai
Well I am hesitant to say that she has a life beyond bonsai as well considering the attachment she has towards this art. But then there it is…
She has got a beautiful family that has had the same tender love and care from Managala as her bonsai trees. Her home sports a beautiful garden that am sure will make you dream at the first sight.
Recently she has come up with a reference book on growing bonsai in tropical conditions. I have had the opportunity to review it and will be soon publishing it on this site. She is actively teaching this art in Pune Bonsai Circuit.
Her Pune Bonsai Garden and Trees

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